Welcome to my blog, where I write about things I find interesting.
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Welcome to my blog, where I write about things I find interesting.
title: "Blog Posts"
contents: posts/**/*.qmd # Include all .qmd files in posts directory and subdirectories
sort: "date desc" # Sort by date in descending order
type: grid # Can be "default", "table", or "grid"
categories: true # Add category filters
sort-ui: true # Add a UI element for sorting
filter-ui: true # Add a UI element for filtering
image-height: 200px # Set a consistent image height for grid view
page-size: 9 # Number of items per page
fields: [image, date, title, author, reading-time, description, categories]
page-layout: full
title-block-banner: true
Welcome to my blog, where I write about things I find interesting.